Use "neurosis|neuroses" in a sentence

1. This is what his anxiety neurosis is.

2. Children become absent-minded, suffering from neuroses and sleeplessness.

3. Always a private dentist, because of my neurosis.

4. He was anxious to the point of neurosis.

5. He always projects his own neurosis onto his colleagues.

6. Insomnia mainly belongs to neurosis and involutional syndrome.

7. She's obsessively clean - it's almost become a neurosis with her.

8. Horney s neurosis theory is about the unhealthy development of becoming alienated from real self which is the foundation of her neurosis theory.

9. Then, artillery was aimed straight at the psychoanalytic heart: at neurosis!

10. 9 She's obsessively clean - it's almost become a neurosis with her.

11. He is majoring in the treatment of medical neurosis.

12. Objective To explore the effective method for depressive neurosis.

13. Anorexia and Neurosis The conditions that lead to the development of a character neurosis are similar to those that lead to developing Anorexia from a psychodynamic point of view

14. The result is that people poison themselves with all manner of neuroses, jealousies, and insecurities.

15. She got a neurosis about chemicals and imagined them everywhere doing her harm.

16. In this respect the incidence of neurosis seems inversely proportional to social disorder.

17. The effect of clozapine and a antidepressant in the treatment of hypochondriacal neurosis.

18. A guilt complex is a disturbance of the psyche, a neurosis.

19. If you want my opinion, I think she's suffering from some form of neurosis.

20. Failure to match performance to expectations has developed into something of a national neurosis.

21. The resultant article adopted a slightly different base subject, that of Morrissey's neurosis.

22. 3 He may have some kind of neurosis or psychosis later in life.

23. Describing everyone as neurotic makes any distinction between normality and neurosis impossible.

24. The price that has to be paid, in extreme form, is neurosis.

25. The disorder is not a type of heart problem, neurosis, or depression, how-ever.

26. Expressions of pain as the examination takes place rouse irritation or accusations of neurosis.

27. What we think of as fate is just two neuroses knowing that they are a perfect match.

28. 17 So what we think of as fate, is just two neuroses knowing they're a perfect match.

29. Nerve Asthenic syndrome: A form of neurosis whereby the central nervous system is greatly weakened

30. Objective To study effect of psychotherapy of hypochondriacal neurosis on psychology and physical rehabilitation.

31. Another persistent neurosis for the county has been their running between the wickets.

32. 5 Racism is interpreted as a form of displacement and objectification deriving from unhealthy neuroses and personality traits.

33. You get young people who appear to be socially confident, but inside they are a bundle of neuroses.

34. 1 What we think of as fate is just two neuroses knowing that they are a perfect match.

35. A psychological counseling case of anxiety neurosis with panic attack was reported in this article.

36. They did not have a higher rate of manic depressive illness or anxiety neurosis.

37. 6 What for Camus was a source of strength is, for me, a source of neurosis.

38. Frederick Stark, a Freudian psychoAnalyst with a private practice in Manhattan, catering to the neuroses of the rich, famous and miserable

39. Where the environment has changed, the symptoms of hysteria have been replaced by a multitude of character neuroses and psychosomatic manifestations.

40. Objective To evaluate the effect of clozapine and a antidepressant in the treatment of hypochondriacal neurosis.

41. The neurosis of humanity arose out of the relation to the father, just as it does for the child.

42. They therefore concluded that a lack of social relationships was a causal factor in the onset of neurosis.

43. He suffered, like Vincent, from depressive attacks, of a kind now seen as indicating acute anxiety neurosis.

44. 8 So what we think of as fate, is just two neurosis knowing they're a perfect match.

45. Several characteristics could be seen as a sign a person was called towards shamanism: neurosis, hallucinations, unusual behavior and hysteria.

46. Conclusion Psychotherapy have no fungible action for psychology and physical rehabilitation and sufferer' society function of hypochondriacal neurosis for regain.

47. 9 Schizophrenia is classified as a functional psychosis and split personality as a dissociative hysterical neurosis, as different as tonsillitis and appendicitis.

48. “Just as allergists look first for allergies and psychiatrists probe for neuroses, hypoglycemia doctors are often predisposed to find a carbohydrate abnormality, and stop there.”

49. 6 Schizophrenia is classified as a functional psychosis and split personality as a dissociative hysterical neurosis,( as different as tonsillitis and appendicitis.

50. Results Clinical history indicated that the mental disorders were occurred in cases of brain contusion syndrome (2%), amnestic syndrome (4%) and neuroses (6%) were occurred.

51. Often, the end of their beaks may be cut off to stop the hens pecking each other out of sheer boredom and neurosis.

52. A study that evaluated the mental health of 37 parents of Cald patients found them to be at high risk for depression and neurosis

53. After some initial interest in “trauma theory,” Jung abandoned Abreaction (together with suggestion) as an effective tool in the therapy of neurosis

54. All observational comedy relies on recognition, but by expressing the private neuroses of the digital age Ansari at once Communalizes the experience and disperses some of its attendant isolation.

55. 21 Otherwise, you will simply succeed in making people desire fruitlessly;and for Freud, to desire fruitlessly is to fall ill of neurosis.

56. A good mother remembers to serve fruit at breakfast, is always Cheerful and never yells, manages not to project her own neuroses and inadequacies onto her children, is an …

57. The invention discloses a pharmaceutical composition or health food for treating Barythymia and anxiety neurosis made from the raw materials containing ginsenoside (Rg1+ Rb1), glycyrrhetic acid and chinese date cAMP, especially a pharmaceutical composition or health food for treating Barythymia and anxiety neurosis with definite functions, evident effects, low side effect and …

58. Horney believed that the motive structure of neurosis was the basic anxiety, which originally came from the contradiction of social culture and the dissonance of the interpersonal relation.

59. "Anything Else" represents low ebb for the comic filmmaker famous for transmuting the work of Ingmar Bergman into New York centric comedies full of neurosis based humor.

60. Character Accentuation - the presence of pronounced features that can further lead to neurosis, personality disorders and somatic diseases. If we consider the lexical side - “accent” in translation from Latin means “stress”

61. Talk about mental problems… Francis in new Interview: ‘Neuroses must be Caressed and given Maté’ Nelson Castro is a journalist with the Argentinian paper La Nación.Today he published excerpts of an interview he did with “Pope” Francis on Feb

62. As Brooks observes in Psychoanalysis and Storytelling, psychoanalysis implicates narratology, the telling of stories, because the Analysand 's "neurosis is a faulty narrative," a story that lacks plot coherence or clear motivation (49).

63. Reform against Isms and the Antimodernistic Neurosis The brief discussion of the liturgy as an example of continuity and reform is an element of the wider project of Vatican II to re-present the faith in a new way while retaining its immutable truths

64. De Botton's name in the mid-1990s, when he was in his mid-20s and published three novels…that elegantly fussed over and annotated the neuroses of romance…Love is the subject best suited to his obsessive Aphorizing, and in this novel he again shows off his ability to pin our hopes

65. Agoraphobia - a morbid fear of open spaces (as fear of being caught alone in some public place) phobia , phobic disorder , phobic neurosis - an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations; "phobic disorder is a general term for all phobias"

66. La arrogancia (del latín arrogāre: ad- + rogāre) es, supuestamente, sinónimo de vanidad.En la teoría de la neurosis de [[Karen Horley], la arrogancia o ser Arrogante es el producto de la compensación que ocurre en el ego (egocentrico, egocentrismo) por tener una autoimagen inflada

67. In this way, the projection of the ego-ideal into the analyst as the representative of hope and the relationship which, as it were, develops “behind the back of the analysand” will get attacked, a relationship in which the object develops step by step and opens the door for the transference neurosis because, as Grunberger points out, within the monad the (drive-)object is already waiting.

68. Three problems are offered for further discussion: 1. to transform acting outs of training analysts standing under the pressure of the projections by training analysands onto the institute, into interpretation; 2. the difficulty to understand the varieties of the depressive position within the mental patterns of foreign civilisations; 3. the hypothetical effect of the analysis of character neuroses on the abstinence of training analysts and on the decision for lower frequency by former training analysands.